Saturday, February 9, 2008

ATTENTION!!! IPhones are still PHONES!!!

  I am going to keep this short and sweet.. People please stop calling your IPhone your IPhone... I know you may be confused by this. What I mean by this is when you lets say are looking for your IPhone you say out loud "Has anyone seen my IPhone" or when someone asks "I wonder how cold it is outside" you say "Not sure. Let me check my Iphone" christ people we get it.... You have a IPhone. You may think to yourself "Wes is just bitter cause he does not have one" Well that's not quite true. Granted I am a firm believer in Apple. Just got a new MacBook myself.. That does not mean I go around saying "well let me grab my Macbook and do some word processing" I still say "I am gonna grab my computer and type some shit" like a normal person.. TO BE CONTINUED!!!!