Thursday, February 14, 2008

Music Writers/Critics

I am curious to know what it takes these days to be a music writer/critic? I mean do you need a strong jounalism background? Or do you need to be the grown up version of the kid that got slapped around and was never "good with the ladies" and played dungeons and dragons thoughout middle school and high school? Maybe its both! I ask this question because I read a review today about a record that I think is great. Granted its not some new great sound by any means, its just a good soild record with great songwriting. I am going to do my best thoughout this not to mention the names of artist's or writers. I will say that there is a weekly "publication" here in Austin, Tx that should stongly consider hiring a more tasteful writer. I mean honestly I dont know the first thing about writing (hence the ramblings you read here), I just think that if you're going to reveiw something that it should be throughly reviewed! By this, I mean find the good and bad qualities in the artist/record. I think anyone could sit down listen to a record once and tell you why they think the record sucks. However I find that if I give something a second listen I can normally find positive qualities whether its production or songwriting or great guitar tone.. I dunno I could be way off on this.. I just can't help but think these afformentioned music writer types are just in a position "power" so they write bad reviews on bands that don't kiss their ass or help them climb the social ladder. Thoughts?

1 comment:

Summer Weed said...

dude, don't you know it's not cool to like music anymore.